Words from the Master

Oct 11, 2009  at 2:43 AM

A small story:

One day, the Geography teacher in a school asked her students to write down the Seven Wonders of the World.
All the kids listed the great wonders like the Great Wall of China, the Pyramids, the Eiffel Tower and so on.
One girl was writing and she kept writing, shaking her head and continuing to write.
The teacher came to her and asked, “What happened, you forgot what you learnt?”
The little girl said, “No. I am a bit confused. There are many more than seven.”
The teacher was surprised and took her sheet and read it. She then read it aloud for the class to hear, “The seven wonders of the world are: I can see; I can touch; I can smell; I can hear; I can taste; I can laugh; I can love…”
The class was suddenly filled with penetrating silence.

These small things are forgotten because we think that they are small. Everything becomes small to us when it is easily available. There are so many millions of people in this world who can’t see, who can’t hear, who can’t talk, who can’t taste. We never think of all these things. We are always thinking of what more, what better, what next, all the time, that’s all.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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