Words from the Master

Sep 13, 2009  at 2:11 AM

Swamiji, how does the transformation happen when one meditates? And can you tell us more about the role of the Master...

When a person meditates, all his base emotions like anger, lust, jealousy, over-attachment etc. get transformed into higher energy. This propels him into higher realms of consciousness and awareness. Then, he will not be restless like before. Transformation of energy can happen only through meditation.

When this transformation happens in every individual, the whole of society gets transformed. There will be lesser violence and more global harmony. The most practical way to global peace is through transformation of the individual.

With meditation and the Master’s guidance, the transformation is a process that you go through to destroy all that is not you. It is a painful process that you go through with a Master, because you have to let go of all the things that you held close to your heart; all the things that you thought was you.

The Master will continuously show you what all you are not and everything will start dropping. He will create situations for your suppressed feelings to surface. You just need to allow him to work on you so that he burns all the rubbish that you have accumulated over many lives.

I keep telling people: If you try to run away, you are missing me one more time. Don’t try to escape. I will place my hands exactly on the tumours that are hidden inside, the tumours that are your ego. Simply place your faith on me and have the courage to open up. I will then be able to heal all your tumours. Just by opening up to the Master, half your ego has left you. The rest, he will take care. You just need to put out your hand; he will lift you out, that’s all.

When you are a sincere seeker, when you are ready for a transformation, you will open up to the Master and things will happen automatically. If you are just a window shopper, then nothing much can happen; you will just move from one Master to another and not learn anything from any of them.

When you meditate, meditate intensely. When intensity is there along with meditation, the transformation is bound to happen; the Super Consciousness is bound to happen. Normally, we are either intense and miss the meditation or meditate without intensity. We catch one and miss the other. We need to catch both in order to really flower.

It doesn’t matter how long you meditate; how intensely you meditate is what matters. The quality of Consciousness is what matters. When you make a conscious decision to turn inward, that itself will give you the intensity of meditation.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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