Words from the Master

May 14, 2009  at 2:58 AM

We all live in constant fear of death. We are ready to escape it at all cost. Death is seen upon as our greatest enemy.

A small story about Socrates:
Socrates was killed by being forced to drink the juice of the poisonous herb called hemlock.

Just before he drank the poison, one of his disciples asked him, “Master, are you not afraid of dying? You appear to be so calm.”

Socrates replied, “Why should I be? I know that only two things can happen after death. Either I will continue to exist, in some other form or name, or I will cease to exist after death. In the former case, there is nothing to worry about; in the latter case, who will remain to worry?! So either way, there is nothing to fear!”

Socrates was fearless of death purely because he had a clear understanding of death and its consequences. Death is always looked upon as a ‘discontinuity’ and that is why people suffer when they see death. The basic understanding of death is lacking.

Death is never a discontinuity. It is continuity in some other form, or simply liberation, that’s all. When man understands this, he will realize how foolish it is to suffer on this account. Man is so attached to the physical form; that is why he suffers so much. The body is a mere vehicle for the soul. This has to be understood very clearly.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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