Words from the Master

Mar 23, 2009  at 2:15 AM

The Chaandoghya Upanishad describes beautifully:

The Master repeats to the disciple nine times: tat tvam asi - you are That. Just by listening, just by listening to the Master from his Being, the disciple actually attains the spiritual experience! When both the Master and disciple act with totality, this is possible.

When you are around a Master, words are totally irrelevant. Just being around a Master in silence and absorbing Him is what brings about actual transformation in you. But what to do? You are so caught up with your inner chatter that it becomes impossible for me to penetrate you. So I speak. I use words and silence you.

Why do you think I am talking to you now? Because if I don’t talk, you will talk continuously inside yourself - dissecting and analyzing the past, worrying about the future, concluding, judging and what not. If I talk, you will be intently absorbed in my words for fear of losing track of me and I can take advantage of that time to enter you!

When I talk, I am actually silent inside. You see, when a Master talks, he is actually silent within himself. That is why he is a Master! But in your case, even if you are silent, you will be talking inside yourself! The inner chatter will be there. That is the difference. Your silence invariably is just inaudible scrambling going on inside you. Inside you, you jump like a monkey from one subject to another without any relevance between them. This madhouse will be happening inside you and you will appear silent outside, that’s all.

So just know how to listen. Don’t listen with your head. Open your Being to me. Listen with deep trust, with total surrender. Don’t scramble to carry my words; carry me in your Being. That is more than enough. My presence in you will make the alchemy happen.

Yes…Now let us enter into a meditation technique called the Manipuraka Shuddhi Kriya* that will totally cleanse the Manipuraka chakra.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

* To learn and experience Manipuraka Shuddhi Kriya under a qualified instructor, kindly enroll for Ananda Spurana Program (ASP) at a center close to you.

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