Words from the Master

Mar 9, 2009  at 2:10 AM

Meditation is nothing but a shift in your consciousness. It is an ‘Energy shift’ in your Being. It is not sitting in a corner, cross-legged and straight-backed and trying to control the mind. If you try doing all this, you will only land up with neck pain and back pain! You will have one more worry that you are not able to sit and do meditation.

All you need to do is, try to live in the present, in the now and here. When you are in the present, you will feel and enjoy Existence. When you are in the present, you will move in tune with Existence. When you are in the present, Existence itself will teach you.

Existence is the greatest Master. This is what they mean when they say that Life is a great teacher. When you miss it, you take your own sweet time to learn. When you take your own sweet time to learn, Life gives some shocks so that you wake up and learn quicker! Else, you will learn for lives together.

See now, you are running behind the past with regret or behind the future with anxiety. You completely destroy the present because of this pattern. What happens is, you never act properly, you simply react based on your past memories or anxiety of the future. When you only react, you are not using your whole potential. You are simply behaving like a programmed robot; you follow blind logic, not awareness and intelligence.

80% of your Energy is locked in the past or future and only 20% is available to you in the present. That is why you feel dull and sapped of your Energy. With increased awareness, this situation can be turned around and your life can be lived on a higher plane, which is more blissful, joyful and exciting!

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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