Words from the Master

Mar 5, 2009  at 2:22 AM

If you are open, Existence showers. Existence is continuously showering, only we don’t know how to be receptive to it. We are looking elsewhere all the time. We are so immersed in our Manipuraka chakra! We are so busy collecting words!

When you learn to be with yourself, you can commune with Existence. But we are never with ourselves. We are all the time with people, with noise. We identify ourselves with others, not with ourselves. We are so afraid of being with ourselves. We feel alone and scared if we are with ourselves. We feel depressed if we are with ourselves.

You were alone in your mother’s womb and that is your true nature. But what happened after that? You started thinking that you need people to make you happy. You laugh with people, you cry with people, you talk to people, you suffer because of people and what not. You don’t know how to celebrate with just yourself.

The moment you find yourself alone, you start scrambling inside, your inner chatter takes over, your worries take over; you start thinking of how to create noise or whom to call up and talk to or whom to chat with on your computer and all sorts of nonsensical things.

If you all the time need to be with people and noise, you are clearly afraid of being with yourself. You are afraid of looking inwards and so you look outwards. When you become a meditator, you will slowly understand that you don’t need to depend on relationships to make you happy. You are enough unto yourself. When you cannot be in peace with yourself, you will remain at the periphery of your Being, caught in the so-called relationships.

You need to have a relationship with yourself first. When this is strong and steady, relating to others will become just incidental. Right now, what needs to be at the periphery is seen as the core and what should be the core is treated like the periphery. You have to reverse the situation, for which you have to turn your gaze inwards. You need to establish peace inside yourself.

For this, you need to have the courage to go behind your mind. You are ready to give appointments to everyone but not to yourself. You give appointments to others because it is ego-fulfilling. You don’t give an appointment to yourself because you are afraid that the truth might surface and you might not be able to take it. You are comfortable searching for bliss in all the wrong places and complaining that it is eluding you. If you really want to find bliss, you will find it. But you need courage.

Actually, we are all searching for the same thing - that is bliss. But we are continuously searching for it in the wrong places. If I ask a youngster what it is that gives him happiness, he will readily say ‘drugs’. He is also searching for bliss, for everlasting peace, but in the wrong direction!

We have moved so drastically away from our path, that our original thinking system has been completely replaced by our negative thought patterns. Our life is drastically different from what it is supposed to be. By consuming drugs, can you find bliss? By consuming drugs, you are escaping from yourself and also worsening the situation because sooner or later, your health will be in trouble. Look at the foolishness in the whole thing.

This sounds foolish to you because it is something drastic. This hits the morality scale and so it hits you. But your other subtle activities aimed at finding happiness, are also similar attempts but on a different scale, on a not-so immoral scale, so you don’t think they are foolish. Whenever you get time, do housekeeping of your mind and you will know what I am trying to say.

Just look into yourself with awareness and observe how your mind works, how your worries take root. We all keep collecting words, creating opinions and going over them in a repeated fashion. This is how worry takes root and reinforces itself.
When your son comes home late on just one day, you assume that he has probably been with some bad company and that is why he is late. This becomes a recording inside you. The next time, even if he comes home late after attending classes, this recording in you will surface and you will react accordingly.

This not only causes your son to get frustrated but also forces him to resort to truly wayward ways simply to defy you. You need to understand that everyone is evolving and fluid and that it is not going to help if you are in your own frame of imagination.

It is easy to live with imagination. But I tell you: 98% of what you believe is wrong. You will realize that there is a big screen between yourself and the other person. If you wear spectacles tinted green, you will see the whole world as green, that’s all.

Mohammed Nabi says, “When you see the world as something, that something is You.” When you talk or complain to me about someone, you may claim that you are worried and so you are telling me these things, but actually you are clearly showing your own mind because you see things only as you want to see them, never as they are. When you see only what you want to see, you miss so much.

Let me tell you something that actually happened:

A few years back, I used to travel everyday with the same driver from the ashram to the city center.
One day, I wanted to go to a particular street and recalled the street to the driver by referring to a mosque that was near the street.
He claimed that there was no mosque in that place.
I tried recalling to him a famous hotel near the mosque, but that also he failed to acknowledge.
I finally told him that there was a Hanuman temple in that place.
His face immediately lit up with recognition.
He then went to that street and I showed him the mosque that was right there next to the temple and five times as big.
He was shocked!
He was such a staunch Hindu that he had not even seen the mosque in all those months.

I tell you: Don’t be fanatic or cling to anything in life.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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