Words from the Master

Jan 22, 2009  at 2:22 AM

I always tell my disciples, “When I am compassionate, I cheat you and when I fire, I teach you.” Either way, you grow! Sometimes I demonstrate my compassion in a very loving way so that you are more malleable to my transforming fingers; so that you become more vulnerable for transformation. Sometimes I show my compassion by simply firing you so that you are jolted into deeper awareness. In both the cases, pure love for you is the only reason.

A Master is an ocean of infinite love and knows only to give. He is Existence itself. If you approach him with a bowl, you will take back a bowl of him with you. If you approach him with a pitcher, you will take back a pitcher of him. It all depends on how thirsty you are, that’s all. The thirstier you are, the bigger the vessel you will approach with.

But he is there always, watching you walking up to him with vessels of various sizes and laughing to himself at your own uncertainty, at the play of your mind, of your logic, of your conditionings, which you project on him!

See, be very clear: I am not asking you to love God or any Master. You don’t even know God, then how can you love him? It is very difficult for you to love something you haven’t seen. But you can love all that you can see, is it not? You can love the animals, the plants, people and what not. Simply love them for no reason except the joy of loving.

Simply feel a deep connection with them and love them. Once you start doing this, you will develop a certain faith in Existence because Existence is the common thread that runs through all these things. Faith is something that cannot be imposed upon you. If it is imposed upon you, you will only resist it. You will find it annoying and will develop an aversion towards the object of faith. You will feel that you are being made dependent unduly on another thing. But when it becomes your experience, it is totally different.

When this faith happens, slowly, your love will become love towards Existence, towards God or the Life Force, which is the common thread in all these things. Then, you will start exuding love towards Existence, and the ultimate religion will take root in you – the religion of Gratitude and Love.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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