Words from the Master

Dec 20, 2008  at 2:36 AM

We ignore our Being completely because we are so immersed in the outer world. We need to be centered in our Being and perform the outer world things as just a role in a drama. Instead, we are so deeply involved in the outer world things and we are completely off-center inside.

Unless we are centered, we will not experience a totality; we will not experience fulfillment. In our outer world achievements, we might be filled, but not fulfilled. And because we are not fulfilled, there remains a yearning inside. We keep thinking that we are missing something, and we start searching again in the outer world. When you are centered inside with awareness, you will have fulfillment every minute whatever you may be doing in the outer world, because the fulfillment does not come from what you are doing outside; it comes from inside.

So we need to look deep into what the Masters have been saying time and again. All the so-called seekers have missed the Masters life after life. They simply went on seeking without stopping to get one glimpse of the Truth and Energy behind the Master’s words. They are eternally on a journey, traveling inside.

This concept of traveling is like ‘trying to pick up a book but not picking it up!’ Can there be anything such as trying to pick up a book?! You either pick it or not. How can you try to pick it up? When you say that you are trying to pick it up, you are cheating yourself! You can’t cheat others because they know how foolish it is.

It is something like this: People who don’t have the capacity to make money, claim that they are very honest and therefore unable to make money. Actually, they don’t have the capacity, that is the truth; but they justify it with reasons.

When we are unable to take a real leap into spirituality, and at the same time we are not ready to confess that we don’t know anything about it, in order to keep our ego alive, we create our own philosophies and go around saying: “Short of enlightenment, I know everything about spirituality!”

I tell you: Mere clarity on the fact that we are spiritually poor is enough to allow the transformation, the alchemy to start happening in us. Honesty and Truth will lead to it automatically. But we don’t want that. We use the ‘Seeker’s Ego’ as a buffer between the Truth and us.

Like how the car has shock absorbers to keep us from getting hurt on the road, the seeker ego keeps us away from reality. It serves as the buffer between the Truth and us. In the comfort of this buffer, we happily conclude that we were seekers all our lives!

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

Seek at Leisure