The Message of Super Conscious Krishna

Jun 27, 2008  at 12:01 AM

Nithyananda, Discourse on Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 10:

Scriptures, especially Hindu scriptures, are the outcome of the experience of enlightened Masters. They are never wrong. But it is not easy to understand them because you live in another time, another space. You need a dictionary. I am your dictionary!


Meditation is the art of listening to Existence with deep obedience, with such totality that between us and the song of the bird, there is no barrier. Then the song of the bird becomes the message of the Buddha. Then in every silence there is a scripture; then every moment of life is a contact with the Divine. Then on every leaf is God's signature, and in every stone a beautiful song is asleep, is hidden.

When we become silent, what is hidden starts becoming manifest. We start hearing things which are not heard ordinarily and we start seeing things which are not seen ordinarily, as if new eyes have grown in us, new ears have grown in us.

The definition of meditation is also the definition of the disciple: the art of listening to the Master.


When the Master says drop 'I and mine,' people are afraid that the Master may pick that up and take it. He may take it away. What to do? They think he is in need of it, which is why he asks them to drop it. They think, 'He is asking us to drop it, so he can take it.' People are suspicious. That's why Masters sometimes say, 'This is the way, do as you want.'


'One who has fixed his mind and intellect upon me,' says Krishna. It is difficult for the devotee and disciple to have this attitude of surrender to the Master or the universe. As long as things go the way the person wants, as long as the Master allows the devotee to do what he wishes, the Master is a great Master and worthy of celebration. But once the Master turns serious and takes up his responsibility of spiritual surgery on the disciple, the disciple wants to run.

I tell people, 'Decide well in advance whether I am your right Master.' A Master takes his responsibilities seriously. His major responsibility is surgery; it is the surgery of the cancer of ego. Once the disciple makes a commitment, Master makes his commitment, too. It is dangerous to run away from the operating table. One loses one's whole life by running away. One may have to wait many births before one gets another chance.


I tell my disciples: Do not sit in front of me, gazing at me in adoration. Your chasing me does not work. Work for my Mission, serve my Mission, and then I shall chase you. I shall be in your hearts. That is the message of the Super Conscious Krishna.

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