Words From The Master: Worry – a legacy passed down

Mar 18, 2010  at 2:43 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 2:
There is nothing to worry – Living enlightenment is enjoying life without worry.
Part 4:
Worry – a legacy passed down

One man had just moved in to a remote part of a village. One day, he was seen throwing handfuls of bread crumbs around his house.

His neighbor who was watching him asked him, ‘What are you doing?’
The man replied, ‘I am keeping the tigers away.’

The neighbor was surprised. He said, ‘But there are no tigers in these parts!’
The man replied, ‘That’s right. Very effective, isn’t it?’

This is how we are trained to worry! The other day, I read a survey about worries. It said that forty percent of the things we worry about never happen, thirty percent are in the past and can’t be helped, twelve percent concern the affairs of others that are not our business, ten percent are about illnesses that are mostly imagined, eight percent are worth worrying about but they are also not worth the energy to worry. They can be overcome by simply putting faith into action. So really, zero percent of our worries are worth the effort!

People will believe anything that is said with statistics! So I am talking with statistics. Otherwise, just one line is enough: don’t worry, just do. Things will happen as they should!

Seek at Leisure