Words From The Master: See what is as it IS – and move on

Mar 10, 2010  at 2:24 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 2:
There is nothing to worry – Living enlightenment is enjoying life without worry.
Part 3:
See what is as it IS – and move on

Buddha*, an enlightened master, used the word tathata – seeing what is as it IS. It is seeing what is there as it is, without any judgment.

But most of the time we see things only through our worry. When we see everything as it is, there is only joy, and when there is joy, no thoughts get recorded in you. There are only empty spaces. That is why when you are joyful you feel light, because nothing gets recorded. When you see everything through worry, more thoughts get recorded in you and you feel heavy.

There is a common saying, ‘We don’t see things as they are. We see things as we are.’ If you feel there is something wrong with what you are seeing, then you should look back in at yourself because what you see outside is only a reflection of what is inside you. If you feel pure love inside, then you see only pure love outside. It always has to do with you, not with what you are seeing.

Buddha – Enlightened master and founder of the religion of Buddhism.

Seek at Leisure