Words from the Master

Dec 3, 2009  at 2:28 AM

A beautiful small story:

One man was a very God-conscious and loving man and he did a lot of good deeds in his life.
He came to know that there was a particular book with a person, that had the names of people who loved God.
He was excited to find out if his name was there in the book and went to that person and asked if he could see the book.
He searched through all the pages several times but could not find his name in it.
He was very disappointed and went away.

A year later, he came back to see if his name had been added to the book.
Again, he could not find it anywhere.
As he was turning to leave, the man said, “Sir, please wait. This book has the list of names of people who love God. I have another very small book that has a few names in it. It is the list of names of people whom God loves.”
He showed the man the book.
The man found his name in it.

It is very easy to fall for God. After all, he is so loving, so giving, so powerful and what not. You can continue to say that you love him and remain where you are. But when you start feeling God at the Being level and the transformation happens in you, God will fall for you! You will find yourself being loved in many ways like you have never known before. Such is the compassionate love of God.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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