See, understand one thing: Every moment is beautiful, if you are ready to receive and see it. It is not that only when we are celebrating a function or we have seen success, or we have achieved something, the moment is beautiful.
Every single moment is beautiful because Existence simply flows spontaneously and joyfully and all the events happen in synchronicity all the time. When you understand this, nothing will ever seem ‘wrong’ to you. You will then wonder what people are complaining about all the time!
When you feel gratitude towards Existence, the whole of Existence becomes a temple to you. Then you are in a prayerful and meditative mood anywhere you are. You no longer need to go to temples and pray. You simply merge with the Whole and feel blissful all the time.
When the whole of Existence becomes a temple, the trees, the sky, the earth, everything becomes one. When you bow down before it, what can you ask for?! You will simply bow down with gratitude for being part of the profound Existence, that’s all.
When this happens, you can relate to the trees, to the sky, to the earth and to everything else. You then move from communication, which is a language of the mind, to communion, which is the language of the heart. You then shift your center from your mind to your heart.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words from the Master
Nov 12, 2009 at 2:56 AM
Words From The Master