Swamiji…these days I feel only gratitude to you, and in a way, I don’t have any wanting from you. But strangely, I want you to remember my name and call me by it now and then! Is this a kind of discontentment or craving from my side Swamiji?
(Swamiji laughs…!)
This is a beautiful thing you have come up with. It goes to show that you have analyzed yourself very deeply. You see: When you seek attention from your mind, through jealousy or discontentment, it becomes unhealthy. But when you ask with love and gratitude, it is not a craving; it is simply a deep love for me, that’s all.
When you pray with a wanting, it is simply ungratefulness and a play of ego. But when you ask out of deep love, it becomes a prayer, filled with gratitude and devotion. There is a difference between the two.
You are in awareness, so it cannot be called discontentment or craving. With time, this too will drop for you. And one more thing: You have had the courage to come up with this question! I am sure many others secretly feel the same way, but have not said it aloud! They may have consoled themselves by saying, “What is there in a name”, or they may feel shy to come out with it! Of course, there is nothing in a name. But, you need to go beyond it with an experiential understanding, not delude yourself out of it. The fact that you have come up with the question shows that you are willing to courageously go through it.
Yes! Have you understood?!
Yes Swamiji…
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words from the Master
Nov 7, 2009 at 2:49 AM
Words From The Master