Words from the Master

Sep 5, 2009  at 2:49 AM

Surrender will keep you thinking of Existence all the time. You will slowly lose your own identity, your ego. In the Bhagavatham, there is a verse wherein a Gopi says of himself, “I am not able to think of anything other than Krishna. I have surrendered my mind to Him. If I have to think of anything else, I will have to take back my mind from Him; How can I?”

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa suffered from cancer during his last days.
He has healed many people of many diseases.

Someone asked him, “Why can’t you keep your mind on your own disease for a moment and heal it?”

He replied, “I have surrendered my mind to The Infinite Energy, how can I take it back to keep it on my disease!”

This is true surrender.

The Cosmic Energy will take care of us. You might ask, “Will this Cosmic Energy take care of all my problems if I surrender?” In the Bhagwad Gita, Krishna beautifully answers or rather promises, “Without any other thought, when a man thinks only of Me, I will take care of his gifts as well as retention or enjoying of them. For those who surrender with commitment to Me, I will take care of their income as well as their prosperity. Their problems will dissolve.”

Commitment and maturity of mind are needed for real surrender to happen. You need not surrender to God or any Master. You can surrender to anything. Surrender itself is a virtue and has a great power in itself. When you surrender, you are acknowledging that there is a Life Force greater than your ego, that’s all.

Actually, God is only an excuse for you to surrender. The act of surrendering is what is important. God is not the goal; surrender is the real goal. When you surrender or when you lose your ego, you are no longer a separate entity from Existence; you merge with Existence or God. You will then understand that there is no God sitting above. There is only Existence that fills everything in this Universe of which you are a part.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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