People with active ego are like a dried and hard twig. They can be broken easily. People with passive ego are like a fresh and green twig. Each time their ego is hit, they bend but don’t break. Their ego is so well safeguarded that it becomes difficult to deal with it. Actually, they work very hard to safeguard it, but in a sweet and passive way. Passive ego is more dangerous than active ego.
For example, you are now with me in this class. So many questions must be arising in you. But do you spontaneously voice all of them? No. You manipulate them inside yourself and finally repress them. You manipulate because you fear that you will appear foolish asking questions. You don’t want to appear foolish and so you don’t ask. You are shielding your ego. If your questions dissolve in my presence, it is a different matter. But it is not the case here.
You care so much for other’s reactions and opinions towards you. You cannot bear to suffer a dent on your ego that you have nurtured so carefully all these years. This ego is your very anchor point. If that is jolted, you will feel anchorless. So under the pretext of being submissive, you keep quiet. You miss one more opportunity of exposing your ego in the Master’s Presence. You miss one more opportunity in taking a step towards flowering.
Let me tell you one thing: All questions are foolish at the end of the day. Don’t for a moment think that some questions and therefore some questioners are wiser than the rest. When deep understanding happens, the questions will dissolve on their own. This is real wisdom. Anyhow, we all play so cautiously to safeguard our ego.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words from the Master
Aug 23, 2009 at 2:14 AM
Words From The Master