You can enjoy only when you know that you are something beyond the mask. Else, you will get carried away by the mask and lose the whole charm of Life. When you know that you are only using masks, your desires drop.
It is like this: When you grow up, you automatically drop your toys, is it not? The toys don’t interest you any more. In the same way, when you look at these masks intelligently, you don’t have any desire for them; you simply use them and keep moving.
The ego manifests itself in many cunning ways - that is why all these explanations are needed on it. All these will help you see where you are standing as a blockage in your own journey inwards.
The lesser blockages you have inside you, the more fluid and flowing you become. When you have lesser blocks, you are more porous and vulnerable. When you have many blocks, you are solid and difficult to penetrate. Your ego poses such a solid barrier to everything.
For example, whenever someone says something to you, what is your first reaction to it? Your first reaction is a certain resistance, a ‘No’. When you say ‘No’, it is so ego fulfilling. You feel solid and firm inside yourself. When you say ‘Yes’, you feel liquid and vulnerable. Your ego feels submissive. So you say ‘No’.
This is also why you feel good when you break rules at home or school or workplace or anywhere. Actually, the moment you defy a rule, you will have a great feeling about yourself. School and college students feel good when they cut classes. Why? Because they feel boosted in their ego when they say no to rules. With small children, the moment you say they are not meant to have certain things, they will ask only for that. Grown ups also enjoy defying each other in so many ways.
Husband and wife rarely concur in the first instance of any suggestion! Take for example our own devotees. If the husband gets attached to me first, the wife’s first reaction will be only resistance to me. She might even read my books secretly and like them, but in front of the husband, she will not be willing to embrace me. The same holds good for the wives who get attached to me first. Their husbands will do all that they can to make it difficult for them, before finally falling in tune with me.
Such is the play of ego. Saying ‘Yes’ keeps you flowing naturally in a liquid state with no blocks. This does not mean that you should blindly say ‘Yes’ to everything. No! It means, take a decision trusting your spontaneity without the influence of your ego, that’s all. Automatically, you will fall in tune with the right things.
Understand that saying ‘No’ is not a cautious move or any protective force that is going to be your guardian angel. Just be open without resistance and preconceptions, that is enough. Yes…?
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words from the Master
Aug 21, 2009 at 2:10 AM
Words From The Master