Swamiji, although we know at the intellectual level, that we need to surrender our ego, we are unable to, why?
You see, man never wants to let go in totality. He wants to cling on to something all the time and that something is his ego. Your ego is your very strength. You have guarded it so well over the years. It is the basis of your very existence.
You don’t know that there is a world beyond your ego which is much more blissful than what you are feeling now. Your ego is a life-sustaining element for you. But the simple Truth is – you have to let go of it!
It is like this: Imagine that there is a seed that is sown. The seed has to rupture for the tree to grow, is it not? If the seed thinks that it will wait for the tree to grow and then rupture, is it possible? No! Like this, man’s ego has to rupture for him to blossom. The longer he guards his ego, the more he is postponing his own flowering, that’s all.
Until man meets his Master, he might not even know where his blockages are, where his ego is standing in the way. But once he meets his Master, he has found the key! It is up to him to use it. The Master’s sole purpose is to rip the ego of each of his disciples.
The words and actions of a Master, will seem abrupt and inappropriate when you see it from outside. But it is pregnant with the Truth; it is pregnant with the single intention of destroying your ego. A Master himself descends out of sheer compassion for mankind. He has no vested interest in anything or anybody. He is beyond the treacherous ocean of desire. He is here simply to lift you to the state he is in - the state of eternal bliss - the state where only Consciousness exists without the ‘I’.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words from the Master
Aug 15, 2009 at 2:10 AM
Words From The Master