Swamiji, when do we know that our ego is no more?
Simply put, when you no longer feel yourself as a separate entity, ego has dissolved. When you become enlightened, your ego has ripened and ruptured. When your ego drops, the barriers you posed earlier will disappear and Existence will simply flow through you freely.
Whether you know it or not, accept it or not, like it or not, Existence is trying to flow through you every minute, but you are so full of ego that you are unable to receive it. You miss the miracles of Existence because of your ego. You are unable to connect to Existence and so you continue to live in ego, ignorance and misery.
You are so full of ego that you are living far away from your own Being. There is so much of accumulated stuff inside you that you need to get rid of, the stuff that you have accumulated over many lives; not just this one life. There is no space for even yourself inside yourself! And because of this, you are operating from your periphery all the time instead of from your inner Being.
When your ego dissolves, you cease to exist and you simply merge with Existence! This is the state of Enlightened Masters. I often tell people, “Destroy what you are not.” People look at me with shock. When I say this, what I mean is, you are your inner Being. That Being is now contaminated with all that it is not - the various active and passive forms of ego. These are what you need to destroy and that is what I mean when I say, “Destroy what you are not and you have arrived!”
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words from the Master
Aug 12, 2009 at 2:54 AM
Words From The Master