Swamiji, but we need a reason to laugh. How can we simply decide to be humorous when we don’t find anything humorous?
We always think that we need a comedian or a joke to make us laugh. I tell you: When you start living in the present moment, your very existence will be beautiful and light. Your inhalation and exhalation of breath, the process of bread getting converted to blood in your body, the synchronous happenings of events in Existence, everything will be so beautiful. You will feel so much bliss and you will be ever smiling and laughing. Your whole Being will exude laughter and bliss.
Laughing at a joke is alright, but when you fall in tune with Existence, you simply enjoy the big Cosmic drama that is happening and you laugh at everything. Then there is no place for seriousness, no place for ego. You are no more solid. You are porous and you simply laugh. You develop a deep understanding of the Existential game and you laugh.
You are able to see that everyone is only a player but has become so serious with their role, and you laugh at that. You laugh at how each one is deceiving the other when playing the game. You laugh at the thought that you are playing a game! When you are able to laugh, you have become the watcher, and when you have become the watcher, you are separate from the ‘I’ and ‘mine’, the ego.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words from the Master
Aug 9, 2009 at 2:47 AM
Words From The Master