In the Himalayas, when I used to wander, so many miles I used to cover by foot. I used to start walking at a slow pace, concentrating on my Vishuddhi chakra. Slowly, I would pick up speed concentrating on the chakra and walk effortlessly. After a certain point, my body would start moving with a swinging pace and I would be just a watcher! I would cover many miles together in this fashion.
All the food that you take or exercise that you do helps only the first layer of Energy. Food alone does not give you energy. It is a common misconception that only food gives you Energy. Food is one source of energy, that’s all.
Yogis in Tibet do not eat at all. They simply drink water out of the shell of a bilva fruit. I lived like that for six months in the Himalayas. I got the Energy from the sun, from the water while taking my bath, from the air while breathing. These are all Yogic methods. Tapasya is the penance you do for enlightenment throughout your life. That alone vibrates in your Being.
When you start competing with others, you forget your own self. You forget to strengthen your own Being, which is your actual untapped source of Energy. If you have physical strength and intellectual strength without the strength of the soul, it is of no use. It is only when you discover the strength of your soul, have you touched your life source. Yes…
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words from the Master
Jul 18, 2009 at 2:15 AM
Words From The Master