Words from the Master

Jul 8, 2009  at 2:47 AM

All knowledge gained should be applied to your inner growth. Else, you are no more than a walking library. I have seen people – they read voraciously and listen to different people’s lectures on philosophy and talk extensively about it. When it comes to application, they are totally lacking. They simply become books for other people’s reference. They read, they don’t digest it fully, they simply vomit it on others. What is the use?

Only when you yourself grow with awareness, you can help yourself as well as others. You need an experiential understanding. The key here is not even applying what you hear for the sake of outer world benefits; it is applying what you hear to bring in more awareness into yourself to understand that the outer world is an illusion and that everything that needs to be achieved is inside you. The milestones reached in the outer world will then become just incidental in the whole process.

When you listen to Masters talk, just absorb and imbibe. Masters talk only the Truth.
It is like this: There is a vast dense forest and you are trying to explore it with a small lamp - that is your mind.

With the light of the small lamp, you see a few feet ahead and put down what you see as the truth.

This is what scientists do.
They see a few feet ahead and come out with one theory today.
After some time, they go a few feet further ahead with that light and see a few feet further now and see something more.
They then discard the truth they declared yesterday and bring in a new truth.

Be very clear: What was truth yesterday but untruth today could not have been truth even yesterday.

Anyhow, this is how they are trying to explore a dense forest with their mind.

But imagine now that there is a flash of lightning and the whole forest becomes visible in that single flash!

Then you know the whole forest and you can go about explaining things as and when needed.

This is what Enlightenment is all about! It is seeing the whole forest in a single flash of lightning.

Once this happens, you simply know.

That is why, what was Truth to one Master is Truth to another Master also. Their expressions may vary but their ultimate experience is one. Either by experience you know, or you don’t know. When you try to answer with your intellect, you create only philosophies. So don’t philosophize; work on turning your understanding into an experience.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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