Words from the Master

Jul 2, 2009  at 2:10 AM

Understand how important it is to get ‘undisturbed’ peace. When you run with others, you will get short-term peace, say at the end of every achieved desire, and this peace will disappear the moment you are on the next trip of comparison. On the other hand, when you are running only with yourself and progress drastically, you will have undisturbed peace.

It is such liberation to have peace that cannot be disturbed by others. Be very clear: The moment you feel disturbed by another person, it means that there is some block, some lack of understanding inside you. It means that you still depend on others for your peace.

Society is the name that you give to your own weakness; to your own lack of clarity. There is no such thing as society. The sky is the limit and there is no such thing as the sky! Expansion is life; Contraction is death. You are unclear within yourself and so you blame people for it.

The moment you are caught in the cycle of making others’ dreams a reality for yourself, you are in the rat race. Comparison and jealousy are nothing but borrowing others’ dreams and trying to make it a reality for yourself. It takes Shakthi or Power to be in the rat race. Shakthi or Power will make your dreams into a reality. But the real achievement is in understanding that reality is actually your dream! To understand this, you don’t need power; you need Buddhi or Intelligence.

Power will make your dreams a reality while Intelligence will make you understand that Reality is your dream! Intelligence will make you understand that you are already what you need to be, you just need to wake up to it, and that everything else that you are trying to make as a reality, is only borrowed and illusory!

We are always looking to achieve in the outer world. This is the root cause of comparison and jealousy. People respect you only if you have achieved something tangible in the outer world. Educational degrees, beauty titles, company designations, published papers, bank balances, are all scales that society uses to grade you.

See, first of all, you don’t need to be graded by anyone. Place trust in your own intelligence and grade yourself. Of course, there is a lot you can achieve and serve humanity in the outer world. After all, only because of the achievements of science, you are able to hear what I am talking through this microphone today.

But understand that there is a lot to be achieved in the inner world. The outer world achievements are all incidental. They will get you instant name and fame and money. The real achievement is in the inner world.

Center yourself well with acute awareness and simply take part in the outer world activities like a lotus untouched in a pond. Let the work in the periphery go on undisturbed, but center yourself in your Being. You will then be able to perform much better in the outer world, because your inner intelligence will be growing and guiding you in performing and watching the results as a mere observer.

Then automatically, you will stop swaying in accordance with the outer world achievements and feel stability and joy in the center of your own Being. Finding your center is the only way out of this whole cycle of comparison and jealousy.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

Seek at Leisure