What is Bhiksha? Why do we offer Bhiksha to the Master?
Bhiksha is a disciples offering to the Guru. It may be anything - flowers, fruits, money, rice, sponsoring for ashram activities, offering puja, precious items, or anything else. The material gifts one gives are symbolic of the 'ahamkara' (ego) of the disciple; which is the only thing the guru asks for - the limited identity of the disciple, so he may leave it behind and grow into the limitlessness of the Supreme.
But how many know the way?
In the external act of placing what one considers important to oneself at the guru's feet, one gives a bit of oneself to a Higher Source. In giving one feels lighter within, less limited. Those whose identities center around their wealth, keep money before him. Those who identify with their emotional selves give him their tears, those who identify themselves as being ritualistic perform the rites as in the shastras. Everyone gives a bit of themselves in the external act of Guru Bhiksha.
This is the only day the Master accepts anything that's given to him!
This simple act of giving is said to burn many lives of accumulated karma. Just like sunlight can burn a piece of paper if we place a magnifying glass in front of it, ones karmas can get burnt away in the presence of an enlightened master who is the bridge between you and the universal consciousness that we all call God!
Online facility for offering bhiksha will be made available from today onwards, so we have the time to acquire the items to be offered to Swamiji on Guru Purnima
Guru Poornima -- Offer Gratitude to the Master!
Jul 4, 2009 at 9:31 PM
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