Words from the Master

Jun 26, 2009  at 2:14 AM

Another small story:

Chanda Basu was found crying at the doorstep of his house.
His friend asked him what the matter was.
He said, “My grand aunt has died leaving all her wealth to me.”
The friend was puzzled and said, “But she was really old and besides she has left all her wealth to you. Why are you crying?”
Chanda replied, “You don’t know – the week before that, my uncle died and left all his wealth to me.”
The friend was puzzled and asked, “Why are you then crying?”
Chanda continued, “And the week before that, my aunt passed away and left all her wealth to me.”
The friend could not understand why all this was causing Chanda to cry.
He asked, “Chanda, please tell me why you are crying for all this?”
Chanda said, “You don’t know, there are no more relatives who will die and leave me wealth!”
(Uproarious laughter!)

Of course, this is an exaggerated story, but we are like this, be very clear. We are all looking for what we can grab from life every minute. All our so-called love is nothing but a bargain. In some cases, it is gross and can be seen by all, and in other cases, it is subtle and cannot be easily perceived. In fact, it is played so unconsciously by you that you think it is genuine love.

The basic reason for comparison is, we don’t feel fulfilled within ourselves; we don’t feel happy with all the things that we have. For just 24 hours, from morning till night, just imagine that you have lost your eyesight. Try going about your work keeping your eyes closed. In just a few minutes, you will realize that your seamless routine has become unimaginable. Why 24 hours, in just a few minutes, you will understand the difficulty. It will be such a relief to open your eyes and see the world again. You will probably then thank God for your eyesight!

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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