Words from the Master

Jun 7, 2009  at 2:52 AM

When you start relating with Existence or God, you start relating with yourself much better than before. You will know what exactly is going on inside you. Clarity will step in. Your inner intelligence will grow. Your fears will drop. You will learn to look properly into anything before feeling fear for it. You will not feel any compulsion to do anything because intelligence will replace fear. You will be more relaxed and joyful. You will feel liberated.

When you understand this about Existence, all the wars that go on in the name of religion will not be there. The people who are in fear of their religion, the people who fight for their religion are people who have not understood clearly the loving Existence. They are just continuously missing the whole thing. They are like blind people fighting with one another.

And most important: Please don’t pass on your ideas about God to your children and instill fear of God in them. Teach them to embrace God. Teach them that God is the all-pervading Existence that is all embracing. Teach them that God is pure love and nothing else. Help them to grow up with a loving attitude towards God and Existence as a whole. This way, they will not grow up with much of the fears that they normally grow up with.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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