Words from the Master

May 3, 2009  at 2:12 AM

To be spiritual is neither easy nor difficult. It’s just the idea that you have. If you think it’s easy, it’s easy. If you think it’s difficult, it’s difficult. To be as you are, what is needed? Is it difficult or easy?

Easy Swamiji…

You cannot even use the word easy! It is as we are! You are already that, then how can you say it is easy to become that?

Just look in. Turn inward. A little trust in spirituality and a little meditation - that is enough! When you drop the fear that to be spiritual is very difficult, you will get the confidence that Yes, I can be spiritual. I can be Conscious. Then the question of ‘is it right to drop my values’, will not arise at all.

Right now you are afraid to drop your values because you have nothing else to hold on to! We know, once we drop our values, all the suppressed desires will jump out, the Pandora’s Box will open! And we know, if the Pandora’s Box opens, there will be only chaos! We are afraid of our subconscious. The fear of the subconscious is what prompts this question.

If you continuously practice meditation, your subconscious will be cleared. Then you will see, even if you open the Pandora’s Box, there’s nothing in there to jump out. You will see your face reflected in it; you will see a clear mirror! Do you follow what I am saying?

Yes…Now let us enter into a meditation technique called the Dukkhaharana meditation* that will act upon the Muladhara chakra and awaken the energy in it.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

* To learn and experience Dukkhaharana meditation under a qualified instructor, kindly enroll for Ananda Spurana Program (ASP) at a center close to you.

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