Swamiji, you were talking about how there is no such thing as a perfect partner. Then what is the purpose of matching horoscopes before marriage?
Now if I start speaking on this subject, I will have to pull down the whole structure of astrology!
Not astrology itself, but the way we follow it today is foolish and nonsensical.
Understand: It is your life, you are living it, you should know the pros and cons – but you don’t know anything about your life, and you are going and asking others! Where is your intelligence?
To surrender your life to a stranger, to let him make your life’s decisions, just shows that you no longer even know how to run your own life. Be very clear: You have to take responsibility for your own life.
When people come to me with questions about their future, I tell them - don’t approach me to predict what your future is going to be. Approach me if you want my help to design a good future for yourself. All these predictions are only for the weak-minded, be very clear on that.
Ancient astrology was a pure science. There was truth in it.
Let me tell you how astrology evolved.
In the past, when a child was sent to the Master to study, to the gurukul, astrology was used to diagnose what kind of personality, what kind of attitudes and natural aptitudes he possessed. Accordingly, he would be trained.
Like this, earlier, the caste distinctions were not based on birth, they were based on character, on a person’s natural abilities.
When a boy was admitted into the gurukul, the Master would see what his natural tendencies were. If he had Brahmin tendencies where intelligence was the prime factor, he would be initiated into Veda Vidya - studying of the Vedic scriptures. If his personality was that of a Kshatriya, where bravery and strength were the most dominant, he would be trained in martial arts. If he showed Vaishya tendencies, wherein he exhibited many skills, he would be taught business. If he seemed to possess Shudra qualities, where he was happy giving his time to routine work, then he would be initiated into service. All four roles had equal value and earned equal respect.
This was the purpose for which astrology was used. It was a science used for diagnosis. Look around you today. Almost everyone is in the wrong place! A Doctor by nature has become an Engineer and an Engineer has become a Serviceman and what not! That is why there is a sense of total chaos in society. When a man who is a businessman by character enters into spirituality, what happens? Spirituality becomes a business!
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words from the Master
May 1, 2009 at 2:55 AM
Words From The Master