Unique children of existence!

May 7, 2009  at 2:39 AM

THERE is no scale to compare us with anybody. We are unique. Buddha says, “Nothing exists except in relationship.” Suppose you were the only person on a new planet, how could you compare yourself with anyone? Could you call yourself tall or short, ugly or beautiful, rich or poor, intelligent or dumb? Nothing! When there is no one with whom to compare ourselves, we just are!

We compare ourselves to others because we feel that we are somehow lacking in something. Honestly, we have no idea of our true, unique potential. If we did, we wouldn’t spend one second looking outside us for answers about how to live a creative, fulfilling life.

We compare ourselves because we have never understood ourselves. We are not aware of who we are and what we have. Society has conditioned us from our birth to evaluate ourselves based upon others. From childhood the comparison starts. In school, the grading system introduces a child to competition and comparison with others. The child gets used to judging and knowing himself by looking at others and comparing himself with them. He has no understanding of himself based on what he is. He knows himself only based on what others are.

Once a man was testifying in court about a road accident. Suddenly, the man noticed that the court reporter was writing while he spoke. As the man started speaking faster and faster he noticed that the reporter was writing faster and faster. Suddenly the man said to the court reporter, “Please don’t write so fast; I am not able to keep up with you!”

Every judgement we make about us is based on some comparison! We feel incomplete because we have not been able to express ourselves as we are. So the emptiness and lack of fulfilment inside makes us feel inferior to others.

Whether it is beauty or intelligence, we are unique. It is only when we don’t respect our uniqueness that we start comparing ourselves with others. Be very clear, even if our favourite cinema star or model is very beautiful, can we enjoy drinking even a cup of water through their body? No! We can only enjoy using our own body — our best friend. So accept and welcome yourself, your body. All of the confidence, intelligence and vibrant energy that we need exist inside us already. We have the potential to live like gods on earth. Just look in! Experiment, explore and discover the truth of your uniqueness for yourself. Then you will simply radiate all of these qualities effortlessly. Be Blissful!

Seek at Leisure