Today, it is becoming increasingly difficult for youngsters to tolerate one another and marriages are breaking up so easily. It is such a pity to see these things happening. An awakening is needed now. Only a deep understanding can bring about this awakening.
We are all ready to point our fingers at another when it comes to relationships. We forget that two hands are needed to clap and make a noise. When you work on yourself, you can make things better for yourself and for others. Don’t worry about the other person also needing to change.
If you read all the love stories written till now, nowhere have the man and woman stayed with each other on a full time basis at a functional level, in reality.
In a story about eternal lovers, written by Rabindranath Tagore, the hero and heroine decide to live as eternal lovers on the two sides of the river Ganga. Once a week, they come by boat, meet each other and get back.
If they do this, obviously they will be at peace during the time they meet. Every time they meet, there will be freshness in the air because they know that they will be together for only a few hours; the moment becomes precious!
All eternal lovers, be they Romeo and Juliet or Laila and Majnu or Ambikapathi and Amaravathi, they never really lived together! If they lived together their eternal love will have to be retold!
The problem is, life doesn’t have background music! When you watch the love stories on television, they all come with background music and so you easily enter into a fantasy world. Music has the power to melt you and take you to a vulnerable state. All the scenes that you see, especially the love scenes, come with background music. You enjoy it so much because of the background music. You are completely mesmerized by the atmosphere created in the television box.
In real life, you search for that music and don’t find it! Writing poetry from imagination is different from writing poetry from visualization. The former is simply imagination; it is like reaching out to the sky. The latter is real.
Remember: Your husband or wife is a creation of God. Your creation cannot compete with God’s creation! His creation will only win!
Today, there is a very large instance of pornography, fantasy, dreams and perversion in society. People have started going to other poor substitutes to fulfill their fantasies. Pornography does not fulfill sexual life; it creates more fantasies and perversion, that’s all. But there is such a compulsion for fantasizing. Understand one thing: Unless you are weak and unintelligent, nothing becomes a compulsion. When you become intelligent, you can drop anything.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words from the Master
Apr 19, 2009 at 2:15 AM
Words From The Master