Swamiji, what you are saying is that we should accept the other person completely, with all his faults?
Even the word accept carries a feeling of condemnation. When you say the words ‘with all his faults’, it is like a silent complaint. It is like saying, “What to do, we have to live with it.” No! I tell you, welcome the other person into your life, just as he or she is. There is a difference between accepting and welcoming. Accepting is like making a compromise. Welcoming is opening out your Being to the other person without any expectation, unconditionally.
Remember: The whole of creation is a gift to you from Existence. Receive it with grace and humility. When you do this, the tremendous energy of the Muladhara chakra is opened to you. To awaken this chakra is to touch a perennial source of energy. The tremendous energy that is now locked in imagination, expectation and greed can be made available for creativity, for business, for life, for reality!
Not only that, you will find your house becoming a kshetra - a shrine of peace. Our houses are meant to be dharmakshetras - abodes of righteousness, but they have become kurukshetras - abodes of war! Am I right? And why have they become abodes of war? Because we are chiseling human beings. If we chisel idols or wood, we can make beautiful forms and furniture, but if we chisel human beings, only trauma will follow.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words from the Master
Apr 15, 2009 at 2:06 AM
Words From The Master