India, over the years, has been looted of vast wealth and land. None of these were great losses to India and after every invasion, it came back and society stood up. Finally, our Gurukul system - the olden days’ system of learning at the feet of the Master - was abolished and Kama Sutra - the science of sex was stopped being taught to children. This was the greatest blow to India. This is when people stopped understanding the meaning of sex and started going behind lust or kama.
Have you watched two people playing a game of chess? When you simply watch the game, very often, the right move suggests itself to you – but somehow it never occurs to the two players! How many of you have observed this? What do you think could be the reason? Tell me...
Because we are not involved in the game, Swamiji?
Yes! Actually, the man who is witnessing is not under pressure to win. Pressure and stress make the mind dull. So, only the man who has come out of the game, who is a mere watcher, can give you the right idea about it. A Master is one who knows the Whole. That is why he becomes the authority on any subject.
So what is sex?
Today, biology has proved that no man is 100% man, and no woman is 100% woman. A man is 51% man and 49% woman. Likewise, a woman is 51% woman, and 49% man; just a difference of 1%.
You have taken birth from the Muladhara of your father and the Muladhara of your mother. Then, how can you be only male or only female? The qualities of both are bound to be there in you! Is it not?
This is the basis behind our symbolic representation of Lord Shiva as Ardhanareeshwar - the figure that is half male and half female. Whether we accept it or not, we are an embodiment of both male and female energies. We are whole, not divided.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words from the Master
Apr 3, 2009 at 2:41 AM
Words From The Master