Words from the Master

Jan 28, 2009  at 2:42 AM

You can never experience true love with your mind. You can experience it only with your heart. Love needs to be experienced at the very center of your Being. The center of your Being is totally silent; it does not know any words or thoughts. No thought can ever penetrate it. It does not know any language except the language of love.

That is why time and again, Masters tell you to go deep inside yourself to discover yourself. This center is your true nature. This is actually you. But you seek to find yourself in all sorts of places, relationships and people. You are continuously missing. It is time you looked inside. It is time you stopped looking outside. You have deceived yourself enough. Move on.

We continuously talk about love, simply because we are missing it; simply because we have not had a taste of it. It is like this: When a person is thirsty, he talks and dreams of water all the time. The moment he has quenched his thirst, he will stop talking about it. We need to let go and experience true love, the love that merges you with the Whole, and then we will stop talking about it.

Existence is waiting with open arms to engulf you, to dissolve you into itself, but only if you are ready to let go. Just have the courage to let go with an open heart. You will meet and merge with it!

When you are ready to feel the embrace of Existence, you rise into a higher plane; a plane of higher Consciousness. You enter into a space you never even knew existed. With Existence, you always fall in to rise.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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