Words from the Master

Jan 10, 2009  at 2:18 AM

We need to stop asking and start giving. We need to radiate Energy instead of asking for Energy. But we don’t even know how to shift the focus from us to the other. We are so used to seeing ourselves as the center of attention. We need to start seeing the world outside as the center of attention. How to do this?

For the next few days, I want you all to do this small exercise: Choose a partner from amongst yourselves, of the same gender. Look after that partner completely. Your first concern should always be for the other person’s comfort. You should always look to see if he or she is happy and comfortable. Find out if they need anything more. Instead of grabbing the plate for yourself first, give that person the plate and then you take. If there is no warm water coming in your room, find out if there is warm water for them in their room.

And, I don’t want you to pair up with your friends or relatives! I don’t want you to choose people whom you can exchange addresses with later on; with whom you can be friends later! Simply choose a stranger – the person standing closest to you. Just choose at random.

Almost all our lives, we worry only about ourselves. At the most, we worry about our close family, that too because we feel that it is our duty; and we think that it is love. When you start doing this exercise, you will get a chance to see what selfless love is like! It is selfless because you don’t expect anything from the other person.
(participants choose partners and settle down.)

You see: Real love is something so deep, so energizing, that you will not know it unless you experience it. Love is an expression of Energy, not something that is transacted. Tell me one thing - can you love people whom you meet for the first time?

No Swamiji!

Why not?

We don’t even know them Swamiji, then how can we love them?

Exactly! This is what you think. Let me tell you, with a little bit of intellectual understanding and meditation, you will realize that you can simply love without a reason! You can love the trees on the road, you can caress them and feel the Energy flow from you. You can love people whom you pass by on the road without even knowing them. Love is actually your very Being, not a distilled quality that you possess.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

Seek at Leisure