Words from the Master

Jan 7, 2009  at 2:10 AM

As I told you earlier: Because you don’t know anything about yourself, you turn to society for an answer. And society happily puts its labels on you: You are a good Father. You are Good-looking. You are a Failure and what not.

Like how a parcel without a proper address is pushed from place to place, we move around without an anchor point in society, collecting all these stamps.

We are not anchored inside; we don’t know that we are not the labels, but the stuff inside the parcel. Because we don’t know this, we have to depend on society’s stamps to show us the way. And by and by, we completely forget that we are the stuff inside the parcel and not the labels, and totally get disconnected from the Existential Energy inside us.

This Anahata chakra when opened, can kindle and radiate the Existential Energy in you, the source of infinite Energy in you and can make you flow with selfless love, with no expectations, only joy – towards everyone and everything, towards Existence as a whole.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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