Words from the Master

Dec 24, 2008  at 2:27 AM

Swamiji, we have read in many books that our mind is nothing but maya or illusion and that all our questions are only an illusion. Please can you tell us something about this?

(Swamiji laughs...) The famous question about maya asked one more time! See the first thing: Don’t confuse yourself with complicated reading. Second thing: Understand very clearly that there is nothing to be understood with the mind. The mystery of Life cannot be solved with your mind. You cannot know the purpose of your life with your mind. That is why they say that your mind is an illusion.

The first step to solving the mystery of our life is ‘dropping your mind’. If you allow your mind to play, you will continue to play, that’s all. Life after life, you will play. Your deep inner thirst will remain unquenched. Probably your seeker-ego will get fulfilled, but that is of no use. You become only more confused deep inside you.

Try to move your centre of operation from your mind to your heart or Being. If you operate with your mind as the centre, questions and more questions will follow. With questions, you cannot know. Only with awareness you can know.

If you operate with your heart, awareness and understanding will happen in you and then automatically your questions will start dissolving; Like how when the sun rises, the darkness simply disappears, when awareness happens in you, understanding will happen and your questions will dissolve.

You will start understanding things even before you come to the question! And like that the questions will dissolve. It is difficult to understand this, but once you get an experience of it, you will know exactly what I mean by awareness. Questions will disappear and understanding will continuously engulf you.

If you understand this much, you need not worry about maya or illusion. In addition to intellectual understanding from my words, Meditation can help you switch to this mode of awareness easily. We can talk for hours together about maya and illusion, but you will only get more confused.

Instead, it is worthwhile learning the solutions that will help us to live intelligently, that is enough. One thing I want to tell you - maya or illusion is everything that your mind projects, so that is why I say - simply drop your mind, that’s all.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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