Insecurity is the very basis of life. When we hear this, we are totally shaken. We are overcome with fear. We do not want to listen further. We like to believe that everything about life is assured and that life is in our hands.
In reality, life is nothing but a risk. Death is the only certainty in life. We are not bothered about life, but in the name of security we make many efforts to live a risk free life.
We try to seek security in many ways. We try to look for security in the form of money, power, relationship and so on. We definitely need money to live life. Wanting enough money to live our life is alright. But there are people who live just for amassing money or wealth. Such people do not make money for basic living, they live for making money! Thinking money will give them the needed security in their lives they begin to run after it. They become possessed by it. They run without stopping and lose the capacity to enjoy the money that they make. They end up running into their graveyard itself.
We search for security through relationships. If a particular person gives us a secure feeling in terms of comfort, attention etc., we seek security through them. In our life, most of the time our energy is wasted in thinking of our wife, husband or relative who gives us security. If we truly see, these other persons do not enjoy security in themselves. They also seek security through you or others! What security can they then give you?
Still we look to them for security. When they are not able to give us the security, we talk ill of them and say that they have breached our trust in them. Truly, only if we get the clarity of thinking that no one can guarantee security to anyone, we can enjoy the people around us. Try to understand: In truth no one can guarantee anyone security, because the basis of everyone’s life is insecurity. The only security is Existence or God.
When we deeply contemplate on this truth, a permanent and real security which is God-awareness happens in us. Then we will not run after the objects of the external world for security. We will enjoy a deep and secure state within where there is permanent peace.
Be blissful!
Life is Insecure
Dec 8, 2008 at 2:03 AM
Words From The Master