Any event that we do not fully comprehend, any thing that we can explain scientifically and rationally gets filed away in our mind either as something totally inconsequential, or if it is of a magnitude that can not be ignored gets classified under catastrophes or miracles.
It is a catastrophe if it involves material loss to us and a miracle if it provides us material gain. It’s that simple. A tsunami is a catastrophe; a yogi who heals a person given up as a lost case by doctors has performed a miracle.
In both cases, the degree of unexpectedness of the incidents and our inability to see any causal linkage between these incidents and what we understand to be scientific laws causes us unease, discomfort and confusion. Anything that is not supported by what we term as ‘science’ is either barbaric or a miracle.
There are no miracles in life. It is just that we do not yet understand the laws that govern occurrence of such incidents which seem to defy ‘scientific’ laws. Once we understand that this universe supports laws that go beyond these ‘scientific’ laws that have been so far discovered by humans, we start understanding the cause and effect linkages behind many of these inexplicable happenings. We then start understanding and appreciating the mysteries of our Universe.
Astrophysicists talk now about the parallel universe. They have discovered that each time a star system dies as a black hole in one galaxy another star system is born in a big bang somewhere else in the universe, perhaps in another galaxy. Every action any where produces a reaction some where in the universe.
Chaos Theory now says that action and reaction do not need to be proportionate. There is no linearity in nature. A butterfly fluttering its wings in China causes a tornado in Mexico! This is science, not imagination.
Matter and energy were totally different entities till Einstein established their linkage. Even after Einstein, it was either matter or energy, never both in the same time and space. It is only recently that the principle of ‘singularity’ that allows matter and energy to exist simultaneously in a common time and space framework has been understood. ‘Singularity’ is the common universal platform the Universal Consciousness that we call Brahman.
Making contact with Brahman is not impossible, once you know how. With thoughts crowding our mind, all that we normally do is to flit from one zone to another, from regrets to speculations, with no time to ground ourselves in the present. Thoughts are the linkages between the future and the past; a future that is speculative and a past that we feel guilty about. Thoughts are always unsettling; they cause suffering. Through thoughts we can never hope to understand how nature, how the universe functions.
We need to go beyond thought; we need to transcend the future and the past. We can do that by letting ourselves to settle in the present, in the here and now. When we stay in the present moment, fully focus upon the present moment, we are in meditation. In meditation thoughts gradually disappear. When thoughts disappear there is an expansion of our ability to transcend time and space. When we transcend time and space, we are able to traverse past, present and future simultaneously, both in time and space. We then start to understand the cosmic law.
Once we are in the present miracles become common place. We then start to understand that whatever science is unable to explain are no longer miracles but a natural flow of the universe.
Understanding Cosmic Laws
Nov 11, 2008 at 2:28 AM
Words From The Master