I was traveling with a Professor on comparative religions. I asked him for percentages of different religious groups in the United States. He asked do you want published figures or real figures of those who practice these religious sincerely. These two figures are very different, he said. When I studied statistics at least 25% of all Americans have practiced one form of Yoga or another. At least 10% practice regularly.
Edison discovered light. Once discovered it belonged to the whole world. Patanjali, an Indian sage who lived thousands of years ago, discovered the truth of inner light and made it available to the whole world. There was no copyright fortunately. Patanjali is great because he did not create an organization. Once an organization is created truth is cremated. A real rose is beautiful and God given. A plastic rose is not. The difference between truth and organized religion is the same as between a real rose and plastic roses.
Another great Master J Krishnamurthy said after creating his organization that the organization has only the right to publish his teaching and writings, but not to comment upon them. If Krishna and Jesus meet they will hug each other; but Krishna’s cows and Jesus’ goats will bicker and fight with each other. Masters are truth, followers are corrupt. Organizations and followers create complications so as to exploit people, to control people.
Patanjali says when my teachings are no longer true, this book will die; let it live as long as it is the ultimate truth. I want only truth to survive. If I create an organization, my followers will try for the survival of the organization not the truth. If Krishna and Buddha descend today their temples will not welcome them; it will disturb their vested interests.
This openness is what makes me call him a saintist, a saint and a scientist, a mystic and scientist combined in one. He created this book to understand how to reach the ultimate truth and then is ready to stand by and let his book be replaced if some one else comes up with a greater truth. We still can not add a single word to enhance his sayings. Only a person who is so confident can be so open. It is like a money back guarantee, which is possible only if you have absolute confidence in yourself and what you believe in and say.
Truth is Timeless
Nov 29, 2008 at 2:21 AM
Words From The Master