A Zen master was sentenced to death by his king. He was sitting unconcerned. His disciples asked him: are you not bothered you are going to die tomorrow. He said: how can I worry about a day later, even the next moment is a new miracle for me.
When you live in the present all your fantasies drop, all your fears drop.
If some one complains that he cannot change, I say change is your nature, I am surprised that you are holding on to the same character. Let go and you will change. When they don’t listen and insist, I give them advice to confuse them.
You say give me a technique. It’s so difficult without a technique, a tool. The word difficulty is the greatest difficulty. When you know fire burns drop the fire. Where is the difficulty? Be a little more intelligent. Drop what hurts. When you understand that the mental setup causes you trouble, drop it. You will then transform your being.
You ask, how will I survive if I drop? The seed always wonders what will happen to me if I break. Unless it breaks the plant can not grow. Trust and open, trust and break, you will grow. If you make mistakes it’s worth making mistakes. Perfectionism is madness. The more you are far from perfect the more God has grace for you.
Search for perfection is search for madness. Graveyard is the perfectly secure place. But it’s not the place to live; it is only for the dead. A ship is secure in the harbor, but it has to move out to function.
As you move from ego to spontaneity you will undergo pain, transition, that’s your penance. That’s the price you pay for a better life. Everything will be a miracle. When you take life for granted, what results is boredom and depression. You seek to acquire not to enjoy. You can increase the height of your bed not the depth of your sleep.
Meditation is the key to spontaneity. Do not keep track of what you have done in the past. It’s better to let go and grow without worrying about what happened in the past and also what will happen in the future.
Enlightenment is not a step by step growth process, it is a quantum phenomenon. Living moment to moment, in the present, without worrying about past and present is meditation. It’s a quality to be added to your life, not a quantity to be added to your life.
Drop What Hurts
Nov 21, 2008 at 2:39 AM
Words From The Master