The Universe, what we call the Brahmanda, the macrocosm is apparent Chaos. On the other hand the Individual body, what we call Pindanda, the microcosm, is all in apparent order.
Energy in the universe is chaotic. Energy in each atom is chaotic. In that chaos there is order. Chaos is energetic always; orderliness is dull. When you break an order you are thrilled; you radiate joy; you exude energy. Dancing without rules is joyful; regulated dancing may be pleasing to those who watch, but not joyful to those who perform.
Saying no, makes one solid and assertive; saying yes, makes us liquid, yielding, blissful. Rules are no, they are solid. When some one smokes, most often it’s for the joy of breaking the rules, rather than any benefit derived from smoking.
Chaos with order is the Cosmic Intelligence. The stars and planets move in order seemingly, with no regulatory authority. Science is yet to find the source of this order. Universe is just not power; it is power plus Intelligence which is Energy. This Intelligence responds to our prayers. Says Buddha: Universe creates Universe.
Mystics say we come from God; Scientists say we come from monkeys. If evolution was that straight forward all monkeys should by now have become humans, and humans should have become something more. Evolution has stopped with humans because we are the only ones with Consciousness. Our next step is to Universal consciousness.
Believing that Universe is just matter is what causes power struggles, terrorism and violence of all kind. When we realize Universe is Intelligent Energy, seeds of peace are sown. World is divided into those who are spiritual who believe in its Intelligence and those who live for power and control over others.
Cosmic energy continues to prove that it responds to us. In a book ‘Message from water’ Masaru Emoto describes the amazing results of his experiments with ordinary water. He bottled water in different containers and labeled them; love, hate, greed, compassion, terror, Bible, Koran etc. To each bottle of water he spoke everyday for 10 minutes in line with its label; to water labeled love he spoke on love with love; to the one labeled terror he spoke on terror with terror; he read the Koran to the bottle labeled like wise. At the end of a month he froze the water in these bottles separately and studied the frozen crystals of each under a microscope. To his amazement he found that the crystals of water labeled love shone brilliantly like diamonds; those labeled terror seemed misshapen, ghostly and somehow fear inducing; most amazingly the crystals from the water labeled Koran had the imprint of the Holy Kaaba on them! Water responds to our thoughts and words. So does the rest of the Universe energy. Water constitutes more than 80% of our body system; you can imagine the power of words, our own and those of others upon our body system.
British soldiers in their early days in India found that when they carried water from England in their ships to India, the water spoilt even while on ship. However when they carried water back from India the water not only stayed fresh through the voyage, but was still potable till they consumed all of it back in England. When scientists studied this surprising phenomenon, they found that this water which was from the Ganga in Calcutta had properties of killing harmful bacteria and rejuvenating itself.
It’s no wonder that the millions who have prayed to Ganga over thousands of years have left their thought imprints that have made this water so energy giving.
The river Nile has been studied by the Egyptians over thousands of years by measuring its flow, level, turbulence etc. They have found that these parameters of one of the greatest rivers of this World reflect often times catastrophic incidents in distant parts of the world, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis etc.
Universe responds to the state of your Being. State of Being and therefore State of Mind bring you status. Status without State of Mind only brings you grief. If you wish to see atheists go and see temple priests. They take God so much for granted that they treat God as a stone.
God is a dust bin for most of us. What ever we do well we take credit for it. Anything that goes wrong we blame God for it. God is great if he answers our prayers. Please remember God is even greater when he does not make your prayers come true; because he only knows how dangerous your prayers are to you.
When we keep getting whatever we want we end up with depression of success. Your status overcomes your state. Status without State of Mind, power without wisdom, Shakti without Buddhi is a killer.
Said a Zen Master when a disciple asked him: What have you attained?
When I started a mountain was a mountain and a river a river; when I traveled, mountain was not a mountain and a river not a river; when I reached mountain was again a mountain and a river again a river.
Before achieving you are ordinary. Half way you feel extraordinary though you are still ordinary. When you have reached you feel ordinary even though you may be extraordinary.
We as part of this Universe are part of its potential and part of its chaos and Order. When we try and be in control of us and others, when we try to be perfect, we violate this cosmic order. Perfectionism is a disease; it leads to madness. Orderly people tend to order inflate their ego and suffer.
We try to maintain order because we believe we have boundaries. Let go your boundaries, your need for order will disappear; joy will appear. When you realize the Cosmic Consciousness within yourself, you will discover the order that is inherent in you, without doing yourself harm. You will accept yourself as you are and others as they are.
When you experience the order in cosmic chaos you experience bliss; when you realize the chaos within you as order you exude compassion; that compassion surely leads you to enlightenment.
Chaos is Order & Order is Chaos
Nov 8, 2008 at 2:25 AM
Words From The Master