ANANDA is bliss. Nanda is something that can die out, disappear and related to suffering. Ananda is that which can never disappear from your being, it is bliss. It is not joy. Joy brings suffering in its wake. Ananda is beyond joy. It is eternal bliss, nitya ananda.
Pleasure is what you feel through your senses based on an outer object; music, a fragrance, a beautiful sight, physical touch. When you meet nature, a mountain, a sea, a forest, you feel joy. When you feel ecstasy without sensory inputs or nature, not even inputs of forms of God, only from your inner core of energy, your atman, without any external input, it is bliss. It can be with no reason. It comes from within. That is Ananda.
Yoga: It’s important to understand what yoga is not. Yoga is not physical exercises or breath control; these are but a part of Yoga. Yoga is union; the union with the divine; union with the cosmic power. It is chitta vritti nirodaha: it’s the cessation of the mind, to take it beyond the mind, to be one with existence. The blissful technique to unite your own self with the divine is ananda yoga, using bliss itself to unite.
Life has no goal, it has only purpose. Living has a purpose. If life is a goal it’s a rat race; even when you win this race, you are still a rat. The very living is bliss when you go without a goal, only with a purpose of enjoying the path.
You cannot look at God as a goal. You cannot run towards God. In inner world, logic is vey different. Goals are not reached by running towards them. Vivekananda says: Arise, awake and do not stop till the goal is reached. I say: arise, awake, stop; goal is reached.
Seeking makes you tense, will make you miss your purpose. In a relaxation course you are so tense that you lose the purpose.
I say accept all guilt, all mistakes, and all failures; even if you can not accept, accept that you can not accept. You will then relax; guilt will drop from your mind.
If your mind is tense it can never stop. Only when you relax it can cease. You have to drop goal orientation. If you accept what you are, what is, mind will lose its roots. When mind is, bliss is not. It is either mind or bliss.
Accept guilt and move on
Oct 27, 2008 at 2:19 AM
Words From The Master