Do you wish to be a leader?

Sep 1, 2008  at 2:29 AM

WE ARE built upon our identities. We are lost without them. As long as we feel we’re a separate entity, a unique individual, we’ll hold on to that distinction. We’re all, each one of us, a part of the Collective Consciousness that unifies the entire universe. Holding on to the individual identity simply compounds our problems. When we cling to the idea of being separate, we bring many problems.

At the physical level, if we think we’re separate from nature or universe, we’ll be inviting diseases. In our mind, at the mental level, if we think that we’re unconnected then we’re sowing the seeds of violence. We turn selfish, dogmatic, and violent. We become terrorists.

We can unite only when we work within the spirit of Collective Consciousness. When we work from the level of individual consciousness, we begin to dissect. We examine these bits and pieces. Logic always breaks. Intuition always unites. At the level of spirit, or the spiritual level, the Collective Consciousness operates to unite. If we think we each are individuals, there is no possibility of any spiritual growth. Spiritually, we can’t even take the first baby steps.

Let us look at ourselves this way. At the physical level, we’re not individuals. Our body and nature are much closer than we think possible. For instance, the sun and our body are deeply interconnected. A small change in the sun triggers changes in our body. Logically, we might not be able to relate to it. This is true.

We’re connected by thoughts, our mind. A thought from somebody’s mind comes and touches us. Similarly, a thought created in someone’s mind travels to touch another mind. A thought, sowed by someone else, can touch us. The thoughts have power to affect us. Thoughts are like ripples on the waters of a lake.

If our ripples are strong, like a wave, we create a strong wave. We’ll create an impression with our thoughts. We’ll be leading and inspiring others by our thoughts. If our thoughts aren’t from our depth, other thought waves will impress upon us.

We can be a leader or a follower. There is nothing in between. We always think, ‘I’ll not be a leader. I can’t do that much. I’ll not be a follower either. I’ll maintain my own stand.’ This is impractical. Lead or follow. You cannot stay in between. But, why would you want to be a follower when you can just easily be a leader?

Be a leader. Think of yourself as the leader. Influence others with your thoughts. People will follow. It is that simple.

Seek at Leisure