All our fears are actually fears of death but under various disguises, that’s all.
Every single fear is related to the fear of death, but in a convoluted way. Because it is convoluted, we don’t see it as fear of death.
So what is death?
If I ask you, you will tell me that death is something that happens at the end of our lives. If death is nothing more than that, it would be so easy! But, it is something that happens every moment of our lives. Every act of ours is unconsciously related to our fear of death, the fear of dying. Our fear of death changes the very quality of our life. Death to us is not the end; it is the climax of our lives, towards which our whole life has been oriented.
Death is always looked upon as a discontinuity and that is why people suffer when they see death. The basic understanding of death eludes us. Death is never a discontinuity. It is continuity in some other form, or simply liberation, that’s all.
When we understand this, we will realize how foolish it is to suffer on this account. We are so attached to the physical form; that is why we suffer so much.
The body is a mere vehicle for the spirit. This has to be understood very clearly.
When we accept death as just continuity in another form, our capacity to enjoy life is transformed; our whole body relaxes; our consciousness expands; our living capacity increases. Whether we accept it or not, every moment of our life, the fear of death lingers in the subconscious mind. By understanding death and facing the fear of death, our life will turn out to be rich; not wealthy may be, but rich. Richness is what is important in life.
Unless death becomes a conscious experience, fear of death will never leave you. But you can do one thing: Repeatedly read these words; develop a conviction about them; try to see how your minor and major fears are actually related to the fear of dying. Understand how the fear of death is really the fear of losing your identity. Understand how your true identity can never be lost.
As the great Master says in Bhagavad Gita, you are the spirit and the spirit is immortal.
You never die, not even once!
Aug 26, 2008 at 2:25 AM
Words From The Master