WHEN you drop the idea of having more and more and start living in the present moment, you start living inside your boundary.
What do I mean by start living inside your boundary?
One thing is for sure: if you are here, your mind is not here. Your mind never stays where your body stays. This is the life style of asking for more and more. You run, run and run, without even knowing what you are running for.
It is a rat race. In a rat race, even if you win, you are still a rat! When you run with all your energy, you forget to enjoy; you forget to live.
The other life style, where you live inside your boundary, where you live in the present moment, creates a new mental setup. You start to live more intensely, with awareness, what Buddhists call Zen, Mindfulness. Your living is centred on your Being; you feel fulfilled. Life opens a new dimension.
You continuously feel dissatisfied because you are threatened by your desires. Just observe carefully: the moment a desire arises, there is a deep uneasiness in you.
If the desire is fulfilled, you start worrying about whether you will get to experience the same joy again or not.
Also, you often experience guilt on fulfilment of a desire. On the other hand, if your desire is not fulfilled, there is a hangover, a deep craving to fulfil the desire.
Both ways, there is no fulfilment. This is how we waste our whole life. We plan to enjoy but never enjoy; we never experience fulfilment.
If the quality of the mind is such, what is the use of getting a weekend to enjoy our vacation? We will be in a different place but we will be carrying the same mind with us there also!
When you postpone enjoyment, when you postpone living in the present, when you constantly hope to live in the future, the habit of postponement soon becomes a mental attitude.
Work to increase not the height of the bed, but the depth of your sleep.
As to what happens to us in life, we may have little or no choice. But as to how we deal with it, we have total choice. Live life in the present, in order to live it to the fullest.
Enjoy things now.
Be Blissful!
Living within your boundary
Jul 20, 2008 at 2:22 AM
Words From The Master