When you feel connected, you are open. You don't need to see the Master, the Cosmic Energy will guide you. There is no need for His physical nearness. But when you spoil the relationship, when you bring business into the relationship, nothing can be done. Nothing can be done because the bridge is broken.
I was watching CNN about the New Orleans Bridge that had disappeared in a natural disaster. Like biscuit pieces, the pieces of the bridge are missing. The bridge is not there. In the same way, the very bridge does not happen when you reach out to the Divine like you approach a business deal.
For the bridge to happen, we need the attitude of complete surrender or understanding, feeling deeply connected.
The big problem with the spiritual process is that you will have what you want when you drop the idea of having that. That is where the problem starts. You have to drop the fear and greed.
Deep, passive waiting without knowing what is going to happen is passive surrender. That is total surrender. The moment you decide 'I will wait forever', things happen.
As long as you are in a hurry, you are agitated. You stop things from happening in you. It is like trying to get the lotus to bloom. What do you do? You open the petals by hand. Will it be a flower? It will never be a lotus flower. The lotus flower blooms by itself when the sun's rays pierce it. Give a little space to yourself so that your being blossoms.
- Nithyananda, Gita discourse, Chapter 10
Total Surrender
Jun 24, 2008 at 12:01 AM
Words From The Master