Words From The Master - 15 April 2008

Apr 15, 2008  at 8:24 PM

Start living!

Great Masters have said that the Truth is within us, but we always seek it outside. We're proud to be 'seekers'. This is like you trying to pick up a book in front of you.

Instead of picking it up, you keep trying! Can there be something called 'trying', when you actually have the choice of doing it or not?

Our seeking is like a buffer between the Truth and us and we continue seeking! We develop a 'seeker ego' that keeps us comfortably cushioned from the reality of life.

Seekers are like window shoppers. They go from one Master to another, from one philosophy to another, gather intellectual knowledge and start playing with words instead of trying to experience anything. Deep down you will be confused, but you will talk great philosophies outside.

When you understand that you don't have to seek and that you only have to live and experience the Truth inside, it will start revealing itself to you in every passing moment.

If you can simply witness what is happening around you and inside, every moment you can have a growing awareness of the Truth within.

Becoming a witness is the first step to stop seeking and start living.

Realizing the Ultimate Truth is a moment's experience, but creating the inner space to realize it is what we can do every moment.

This cannot be done merely through reading great philosophies. Though intellectual knowledge gives clarity, clinging onto it is where the problem starts.

All the great scriptures and meditation techniques given by Masters are only to create that inner space in you to flower and realize the Ultimate Truth. Just try closing your eyes and sitting by yourself for a few minutes everyday. Listen to all the sounds around you. Don't pass any judgment on them.

Become a deep witness to everything and one with all the sounds. You will see that there is a central chord that is running through the whole thing, through the whole show. That central chord is Existence! Just feel it deeply; that is enough.

When you start doing this, you will start watching yourself, your emotions, without getting involved in them; you will start appreciating nature and Existence; your body language will become soft and fluid because you will start moving in tune with Existence; Intelligence and understanding will grow in you; you will not unnecessarily connect incidents of the past and cause misery for yourself and for others.

This is what I mean by 'starting to live' - something we are actually seeking. But instead of involving in the act of living, we are caught up in the act of seeking. Stop seeking and start living. Be Blissful!

Seek at Leisure