FLASH NEWS: 28 Feb 2008

Feb 28, 2008  at 4:28 PM

On the web, Mohan's World, Dubai. Nithya Spiritual Healers' interview is available at Mohan's World (#00067) [Direct Link to .mp3 file].

00067 Nithyananda Healers
Healing someone is not easy, especially since the healer is always under the threat of taking the diseases over. But, when the power of healing is handed down by an enlightened master, the healer remains unaffected and the healing is more permenant. Three energy healers empowered by Paramahamsa Nithananda himself, discuss what it takes to be a healer and the extraordinary responsibilities attached to it.

To know more about Nithya Spiritual Healing, refer Dhyanapeetam.org website.

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