Laughter, the spiritual medicine!
When was the last time you had a really good laugh?
Most of us have forgotten how to laugh. Our laughter is only an extended smile, a social necessity. We are usually laughing at someone, or simply fulfilling a duty. And laughter has been replaced by giggles and sniggers.
In an office, the boss tells a joke. The whole team starts roaring with laughter, except one lady who sits looking bored.
The boss asks: What’s the matter? Why aren’t you laughing?
She replies: I don’t have to. I am quitting next week!
Laughter has tremendous potential that we have forgotten how to use. It is an excellent way of connecting with people.
In fact, the most radical ideas, when presented in a humorous manner, can easily be got across to people.
Most of us are afraid to laugh, especially when we are with strangers, because laughter exposes us. Laughter exposes the innocent, vulnerable You hidden inside you.
Those who find it difficult to laugh have no idea what a gift they’ve lost. Believe me, there is no business more serious than the business of laughter. It is seriously important to be able to laugh!
Learn to laugh at your problems. At least you’ll have something to laugh about!
People who can laugh at themselves are truly blessed, because they have found a way to go beyond the ego.
Laughter is simply an overflowing of health, of abundant energy. It blossoms as a natural result of being at ease with our self and surroundings. That’s why happy, smiling people are usually the most spontaneous.
Laughter has great therapeutic value. Today, the healing effects of laughter are being acknowledged by doctors and psychiatrists worldwide. And that is why so many laughter clubs have mushroomed worldwide; to teach us how to laugh!
The deep, chaotic breathing induced by laughter produces positive vibrations in our body, relaxes the belly and improves digestion. Laughing also cleanses the manipuraka chakra, the subtle energy center in our navel area, which is the seat of worry and depression. The simple act of laughing has the power to unlock deep-rooted psychological suppressions. Laughter is a natural healing power that nature has gifted to us.
Laughter is the highest spiritual path. It is the royal route to enlightenment. It is the easiest and most powerful way of connecting with the boundless energy of Existence.
This article was earlier published in the Economic Times, an Indian newspaper.
Words From The Master: 06 Jan 2008
Jan 6, 2008 at 7:03 PM
Words From The Master