In a certain kingdom, the King came to know that everybody was depressed, because they found themselves burdened with more than their fair share of worries, while no one else seemed to have no major worries. The King announced a mega 'Worry Exchange Offer', where people could trade their worries. A giant Worry Pot was placed in the center of a vast space wherein people could happily dump their own worries and pick up the worries of anyone else. The entire kingdom gathered for the event. The event was declared open and strangers met and started talking to each other about their worries. Time passed on and not one worry was exchanged!
After all, who wants to drop their small familiar worries and take on unknown worries of another! Worry itself is a mere familiar dwelling pattern for the mind.
Joke Of The Day: 23 Jan 2008
Jan 23, 2008 at 10:26 AM
Joke Of The Day